
I’m sensing a theme from these posts over the past few weeks. It’s the letter ‘C’.  Just look at these recent titles:


What is it about the 3rd letter of the English alphabet that has literally crawled into the far reaches of my mind quietly waiting, ready to compel me as I sit ready to connect with the title and content of these recent posts?
Huh. Now I’m really curious!

Letter ‘c’ factoids: there are 72,388 words that start with the letter ‘c’.
Mind boggling!

These are some positive words that I looked up:
compassionate, courageous, creative, confident, caring, charming, curious, cheerful, considerate, and cooperative
Which words do you align with? How many define or describe you at your best?

So, what are you curious about these days?
My friend and mentor, Alan Seale posed this question in his latest Transformational Presence article,...

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πŸ’– Commitment πŸ’–

First, let me say "Thank You" to everyone who actually reads these posts and for everyone who sends me a comment sharing how they feel or how it helped them to reflect on their lives. BIG HUGS from me to you!

Last week I wrote about confidence. It was fun to write and share a story.

This post is all about commitment.

Like, what the actual Captain Marvel level of commitment are we supposed to have anyway?

Well, consider that if we aren’t FULLY committed to anything, what’s the point?

Imagine for a moment if your parents weren’t fully committed to creating a baby. Would you have been born? Or, if that ONE wriggly male reproductive cell out of 15-200 million of them didn’t reached the egg first? Would you have the same characteristics, physical features, and personality if it faded in the final stretch and another wriggly dude made it first?

We'll never know.

Some synonyms for the word commitment (really contemplate each one):


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Confidence [Self-Confidence]

Oh, yes! I love this fun and tasty subject for the week.

Firstly, let’s look at some definitions of the word confidence courtesy of

1a: feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances
Examples: had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed
                  met the risk with brash confidence

1b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way
Example: have confidence in a leader

2: the quality or state of being certain : certitude
Example: they had every confidence of success

3a: a relation of trust or intimacy
Example: took his friend into his confidence

3b: reliance on another's discretion
Example: their story was told in strictest confidence

3c: support especially in a legislative body
Example: vote of confidence

4: a communication made in confidence : secret
Example: accused him of betraying a confidence


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Oh, That’s Just Glenn Doing His Glenn Thing

Recent posts have shed light on mediation and mindfulness, two practices that help me each and every day. Without those practices in my life I’d be a quivering mass of goo.

Like a cylinder of red jello the size of the Empire State Building attempting to hold still during a 7.6 magnitude earthquake. Fortunately, earthquakes are rare in the New York metropolitan area, so, you know it’s fairly safe to say the 1,454 foot tall jello being would be okay to stand next to.

This morning I checked email as Ashara and I were getting ready to meditate.
What was I thinking?

One of the emails that caught my attention was from Badlands Ranch, a company that sells food and treats for dogs.
Not just any dog food mind you.
Just ask Katherine Heigl.
She’s the founder.

Anyway, our recent order arrived on Tuesday which was confirmed by email. The delivery address listed our street address which is strange because we use a post...

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The Zoomies

Today’s post was inspired by our two male cats, Ry (pronounced Ree) and Jackson (pronounced Jack-Son).

Yes, I know. Ashara usually writes about our furry family in her weekly blog posts. This morning the two boy cats were in the post-breakfast state we like to call ‘The Zoomies’ while we were meditating.

Canned sardines.
Bones and all.

Photo and breakfast credit: Glenn

We’re sitting in bed listening to a guided meditation and ready to close our eyes when suddenly we hear scamper, scamper, scamper from the library and towards our bedroom. Ry attempts to leap straight up the door frame, with paws clutching the frame he ascends maybe a foot up and slides back down to the floor. Jackson chases Ry into the bedroom where Ry jumps on the bed and in a flash jumps off with Jackson in fast pursuit.

Jump up.
Jump down.
Run out.
Run back in.
Repeat non-stop until…

Silence in the house.
The Zoomies are over.
For the moment.
Until they let us know in...

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