The Enlightened Squirrel at BMSC

The Enlightened Squirrel at BMSC

Whaaaaat the actual acorn is this?

Who is this enlightened squirrel anyway?
What the heck is BMSC?
Why do I care?

All great questions young Padawan.

The Enlightened Squirrel was an inspiration while Ashara and I drove from Colorado to Wisconsin last year when we thought we were moving to the badger state to become resident cheese heads. We were on a 'home and land finding' mission for several days before returning home. Long story short: we’re staying in Colorado for the foreseeable future. We love where we live, we have fantastic views of the Rocky Mountains, our family is happy living on the farm, and we live in a very agricultural community where actual deer and antelope play. Read Ashara’s latest blog post about them antelopes.

Home on the range where the antelope play.

OK, so what about this Enlightened Squirrel dude?

Come closer and let’s explore!
[Yah, yah. We’ll get to BMSC later.]

So, Ashara and I are driving and riffing on ideas to create a brand for a healing arts center that is fun, engaging, fun, exciting, fun, and dare I say, FUN! I mean, if something isn’t fun like 2,000,001 barrels of monkeys, what’s the point?

The idea for a healing arts center sprang from the deep recesses of my mind that reminded me that I love art. I love looking at art and I love creating art.

Art is FUN:

Schmearing or schmeering paint on canvas.
Drawing with colored markers or pencils on paper.
Forming clay into whatever in your hands.
Using Silly Putty to lift newspaper cartoons!
Remember how you could stretch the Silly Putty cartoons into weird shapes?
Take a trip in the Way Back Machine:

Besides being FUN, art is therapeutic. A quick definition: Art therapy is a mental health profession that uses art-making and creative process to help people express themselves and cope with challenges.

At the Enlightened Squirrel Healing Arts Center we coach people in a variety of methods which includes art therapy. People who have been out to explore their inner critic through art therapy have really enjoyed their time here.

So, that’s the story, Jed.

Now for the BMSC.
This is the Body Mind Spirit Celebration, Sept 20-22, 2024 at the National Western Complex Expo Hall in Denver. Details about this event are at:
Ashara and I will be in booth 609 at this event.

We’re REALLY excited about this event where children of all ages are welcome to have FUN with coloring mandalas and free form art if there’s room for that!

Setting up the booth with scrims in our garage.

So, come on out, stop by booth 609, and come into the woods and let yourself PLAY!

Written by a real human bean.


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