Equanimity & Concrete

How best to describe equanimity?

According to Wikipedia:
Equanimity is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by the experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. The virtue and value of equanimity is extolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancient philosophies.
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equanimity

Another way of describing equanimity is:
I didn’t lose my sh*t during a time of high emotional stress. Instead I maintain an even keel by recognizing the moment when the stress-o-meter starts to rise and BREATHE before speaking what’s already on the tip of my tongue and ready to lash out.

Wouldn’t be a good look.
Wouldn’t be a good time.
Wouldn’t be the right thing to do.
Wouldn’t be right speech.

And, so I practice equanimity daily while I accept the situation and my response to the situation with as much grace as possible.

It isn’t always easy and gets easier with time.


Ashara and I have been making improvements to our home, the space around our home and the barn over the past few months. Actually, we have been paying contractors to do the labor that’s out of my sphere of sanity.

The most recent improvement was adding an EL-shaped concrete patio under the raised deck on the back and west side of the basement. 

[Concrete by Tony and crew]

That and a separate concrete pad for a new pergola that was also recently added.

[Construction by Jason]

Now we have wood and gravel stairs leading down to the barn instead of sliding down steep hill like we’re practicing for the Winter Olympics; new wiring and efficient LED lighting in the barn instead of the original hodgepodge of scary wiring and ancient lights that would take like a million years to warm up and actually work; and the aforementioned slabs o’ gray concrete.

Got any new projects going on around your house as the summer ends?  

That’s all for now folks.


Imagined and written by a real human bean.


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