
I’m sensing a theme from these posts over the past few weeks. It’s the letter ‘C’.  Just look at these recent titles:


What is it about the 3rd letter of the English alphabet that has literally crawled into the far reaches of my mind quietly waiting, ready to compel me as I sit ready to connect with the title and content of these recent posts?
Huh. Now I’m really curious!

Letter ‘c’ factoids: there are 72,388 words that start with the letter ‘c’.
Mind boggling!

These are some positive words that I looked up:
compassionate, courageous, creative, confident, caring, charming, curious, cheerful, considerate, and cooperative
Which words do you align with? How many define or describe you at your best?

So, what are you curious about these days?
My friend and mentor, Alan Seale posed this question in his latest Transformational Presence article, “Seven Clarifying Questions for Complex Times”:
“What is important to pay attention to right now?”

This could be anything happening in your personal life, professional life, with your family, around your neighborhood / community, as far and wide as you might want to pay attention to.

Me…I’m curious about and paying attention to how people feel these days based on what they’re paying attention to. (Is that circular thinking?) Are you generally feeling uplifted or not? Are you feeling concerned? Are you feeling safe? Are you paying attention?

I’m also curious about what I’m paying attention to these days and how I feel about those things. For the most part I’m focused on the well-being of my family, our country, and our home world. Now, there’s a lot to unpack in those three areas and of course all are important. Do I have influence in all of those three areas? Indeed, I do. Simply by focusing on what I can do and then taking action from a place of compassion and courage. The details will work themselves out.

How about you?
What areas are you focused on?
What are you willing to take action on?

This is a quote from Neale Donald Walsch's latest newsletter:
“Awareness is not a gift that some have and others cannot attain. Awareness is your birthright and your inheritance. You have it now.”

Paying attention.

Really good words to help us on our journey through life.

Till next week.


[I’ll see if my allies/guides have another ‘C’ word or if we move on to something else.]



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