💖 Commitment 💖

First, let me say "Thank You" to everyone who actually reads these posts and for everyone who sends me a comment sharing how they feel or how it helped them to reflect on their lives. BIG HUGS from me to you!

Last week I wrote about confidence. It was fun to write and share a story.

This post is all about commitment.

Like, what the actual Captain Marvel level of commitment are we supposed to have anyway?

Well, consider that if we aren’t FULLY committed to anything, what’s the point?

Imagine for a moment if your parents weren’t fully committed to creating a baby. Would you have been born? Or, if that ONE wriggly male reproductive cell out of 15-200 million of them didn’t reached the egg first? Would you have the same characteristics, physical features, and personality if it faded in the final stretch and another wriggly dude made it first?

We'll never know.

Some synonyms for the word commitment (really contemplate each one):


How do those words resonate with you?
Have you ever committed to something and gave your all to the achievement of the goal?
Have you ever fallen short in your actions towards an outcome when you committed to accomplishing something?

We all have.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen far short of achieving an outcome related to a commitment.
Sometimes I was a gnat’s ass away from achieving it only to quit because I didn’t feel worthy to accept the recognition for completing the commitment.

Making a commitment to anything takes resolve and a strong sense of self confidence to actually do the thing and see it through.

My current commitments:

* Relationship with my beloved, Ashara
* Relationships with our furry family. Remember them from a previous post? Cats, dogs and horses. In that order.
* Relationship with my daughter and her family
* My excellent health especially as I get older
* My spiritual life and practices. This is a HUGE COMMITMENT!
* Serving humanity through Harmony’s Heart Coaching
* Self compassion / self love
* Compassion for all living beings
* Enjoy life and my time on Mother Earth

Just a few things!

Listen up.
Without those commitments my life would be far less interesting and meaningful.
Commitments serve a valuable purpose because they support our visions and life experiences.

Example: I’m currently taking a four month web-based Business Management course through Cornell University. I’m committed to working through the modules, dedicating time to focus on the course, stretching myself in areas like finance and accounting to really understand and apply the knowledge in our business, and finally, completing the full course to enhance my business savvy. And, get a nice certification to add to my wall of fame.

So, back to Captain Marvel.
There are many incarnations of the comic character
The latest incarnation is Carol Danvers played by Brie Larson in the MCU movie “Captain Marvel” who also appears in a few of the later MCU movies.

Yeah, my wife and I are fans. We have the collection of movies on Blu-Ray DVDs.

Like most guys I grew up reading comic books and related to the superhero persona. They helped me remember that even though there’s hardship in life we persevere and move on.

These fictional characters are written to be committed to serve humanity!

It’s a wrap folks.

Want to know more about making commitments and STICKING TO THEM in your life?

I’m here to help and I’d be honored to do so.
Contact me: [email protected]

Thanks for the read.


Human made:  AI was not used writing this post. 


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