Bold Journey Article

The post for this week is about an article that I recently contributed to.

Actually, I was invited to contribute to an online mag titled Bold Journey which contains stories by people who have overcome problems or dilemmas in their lives and have chosen to share those stories to help more people. As written on the About Bold Journey page: one of the best ways to deal with [those] challenges is to learn from the stories and experiences of others. 

After reading some of the stories that were published I opted to contribute answers to a series of questions that became my story in the magazine. I hope you enjoy my story and read more stories from other contributors in the Building Blocks of Success: Confidence and Self Esteem section.

On another note my wife, our three dogs and I are on a 3-day mini vacation in the southwest corner of Colorado (Cortez) with a day trip to Telluride and the surrounding area to see the colors of autumn in the San Juan mountains. It's absolutely stunning this time of year! I'll post some photos next week.

Until then enjoy your week and keep it real.


Conceived and written by a real human bean.



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