Cancer Support Group For Men

Let’s face it - just reading the word cancer conjures all kinds of gremlins in our minds.

Remember this gnarly-looking gremlin from my Inner Critic post last week?

Well, it’s screaming BIG TIME whenever the ‘C’ word is mentioned.

Hell, I had a small basal carcinoma on my forehead a few years ago. Thankfully, it was caught very early by my dermatologist and he removed it with clean and clear results. Living in Colorado where the altitude at our home is above 6,800 feet the sun is very strong. Whenever I go out the most prominent feature on my face, my nose and my forehead look a bit ghostly white from sunscreen. Eventually my skin absorbs said sunscreen and I go about my day whether it’s taking the furry family out for a hike or working around our horse property.

Oh, and, I always wear a floppy wide-brim hat to protect my face.

Ode To Cowboy Hats
No cowboy hats on this dude.
Tried it before.
Not a good look - it was crude.
Some guys have a cowboy hat head.

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