Where The Rubber Meets The Road

Happy 2025!

I've been saying that to people who have recently greeted me with 'Happy New Year'. Somehow stating the number feels more important. It's an energy thing for me and numerology explains the meaning of numbers.

Let's explore:

The year 2025 is reduced to the number 9. How does this work? By adding the numbers of the year 2025.

2+2+5 = 9

Simple enough, right?

Then we look up the meaning of the number 9 on the internet. I found this website Numerology.com which provides a straight forward definition:

The energy of the number 9 represents completion, but not finality. Think of it more in a cyclical sense. It's about the ending of one cycle and the potential it creates for another cycle to begin.

Of course there's much more info on the Numerology.com website, so check it out!

Okay, now that we have the definition of the number 9 what does this mean for us?

We have the opportunity to mindfully let go of anything that we do not want to continue or that does not support our forward movement. Examples: relationships that no longer suit us can end. Jobs that don't satisfy us or meet our needs can be left behind. Personal habits that harm or hinder us can be abolished from our lives.

In other words, let that shit go and be ready for the next cycle in 2026!

You/we have 355 days left to evaluate what is not working in our lives, make choices and take action. Personally, I'm not waiting for Dec 30 to evaluate, make choices and take action.

I'm currently looking at thingies (yes, thingies) in my office that I've collected over the years, deciding if I want to keep the really special (heartfelt) thingies and release the rest. This helps move energy and the bonus is I'll de-clutter my office. I love clean spaces!

Example: when my Dad passed years ago I saved some of his Native American jewelry that he liked. Those don't have meaning for me so I'll gift them to someone else this year. It's actually cutting cords with a past that does not serve me any longer and opening up new pathways in my life.

Dad's thingies

Sometimes you just have to create a vacuum to move on from the past.

All of this takes courage, which is a theme for the month of January according to the good people at The Power Path. I've been on their mailing list for years and receive a monthly forecast at the beginning of each month. There's always good stuff to consider when looking at and making choices each month. The theme of courage is powerful and very timely for the world right now. Lot's of political transition, literal fire storms, earthquakes, and other phenomena that is affecting this planet.

For me courage is top of mind right now as I prepare to get an MRI this Friday on an organ that can stir up a fuss in men. Yes, I'm talking about THE PROSTATE. That funny little walnut-size dude that when enlarged, like mine, can be an issue. I'm a bit nervous about the MRI 'cuz it includes contrast/dye that for me caused a severe burning sensation in this body when I had an MRI on my neck some years ago. Apparently, I had an allergic reaction to the dye last time. So this time I'll be sedated to ease the anxiety. That shit may still burn but I won't care.

Early morning sky fire.

Upon reflection of this post, perhaps the title could be When The Rubber Meets The Road, 'cuz a lot of things are going down this year to end the current cycle. 2025 - a year of endings and change.

May you all be well.


Conceived and written in cooperation with The Universe.     AI can't touch this.


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