The Zoomies

Today’s post was inspired by our two male cats, Ry (pronounced Ree) and Jackson (pronounced Jack-Son).

Yes, I know. Ashara usually writes about our furry family in her weekly blog posts. This morning the two boy cats were in the post-breakfast state we like to call ‘The Zoomies’ while we were meditating.

Canned sardines.
Bones and all.

Photo and breakfast credit: Glenn

We’re sitting in bed listening to a guided meditation and ready to close our eyes when suddenly we hear scamper, scamper, scamper from the library and towards our bedroom. Ry attempts to leap straight up the door frame, with paws clutching the frame he ascends maybe a foot up and slides back down to the floor. Jackson chases Ry into the bedroom where Ry jumps on the bed and in a flash jumps off with Jackson in fast pursuit.

Jump up.
Jump down.
Run out.
Run back in.
Repeat non-stop until…

Silence in the house.
The Zoomies are over.
For the moment.
Until they let us know in very certain terms they want to go outside.
Usually involves low-level meowing and chirping until serious escalation ensues to ear splitting yowling.

Exploring the Outside. Jackson - top and Ry - bottom
Photo credit: Glenn

People Zoomies?

You know when your mind is racing faster than your body can keep up? That’s usually warp 7 for me.
What’s not to like? Full of energy, unfocused as it may be, still feels good. Until…

You don’t know which way to turn first or you’re bouncing off the walls.
Not a good look and very little is accomplished.

What if there was a way to bring it all down for a while at a slower and more conducive pace?
I’m referring to the art of quieting The Zoomies through meditation or mindfulness practices.

Let’s take a moment to answer a couple of questions:
1. What is mediation? The practice of allowing thoughts to come and go as you learn to recognize and release them without judgement.
2. What is mindfulness? The practice that involves intentionally bringing your attention and awareness to the present moment without judgment.

Of course there are expanded definitions for both. The upshot is that both practices are complementary and help you to live with less stress, improve quality of sleep, and enhance your ability to respond skillfully to the challenges of life.

Indeed, meditation helped me in profound ways over the years. From the first time I was able to quiet my racing mind to moments of deep introspection and awareness of my place in the universe. That’s deep, Zed!

Would you like to quiet your personal Zoomies?

How about lowering your stress?
Or, improving your sleep quality?
And, learning some new skills that could support your quality of life?

We are offering a free meditation guide and a bonus free 30-minute discovery session to see if meditation and mindfulness are right for you.

Click 'Yes, Send Me The Meditation Guide' and a new tab will open in your browser. Answer a couple of questions and we will connect with you.

One of my mentors wrote the following in his weekly newsletter that arrived today:

Not living our lives as true expressions of who we are deep in the heart of our being is not sustainable. In a world of inner and outer restlessness and uncertainty, coming home to the essence of who we are is more needed than ever.
—Alan Seale

Beautiful. The essence of that quote resonates deeply within me. I hope you find that to be true for you.

Till next time…be well.


Glenn is certified as a Master Gestaltist, as well as a Meditation/Mindfulness Practitioner and Teacher, and is certified as an Art Therapy practitioner. He is a life seeker.


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