The Inner Critic

Hey, You!
Yes, You!

It’s me!
Your Inner Critic, aka, the snarky ‘what in the actual HELL are you doing?’ troll or gremlin voice in your head.

Oh, you know this voice SOOOOOOO well, dontcha?
Dontcha! Dontcha!DONTCHA!!

“Why, if you knew half things you think you knew, you’d be half-assed.”

You know whose voice that really is?
Anyone who criticized you during your formative years.

Let’s list those buggers.

Your father.
Your mother.
Your brother.
Your sister.
Your teacher.
Your classmates.
Your friends.
Your neighborhood bully.

Those blasted trolls are still running your life by telling you all that downer shit, only, you hear them as yourself.

I can’t do ________.
I can’t have _________.
I’m not good enough for ________.
I’m not worthy of _________.

Oh, oh, ANNNNNND, you hear it from your current friends or people you hang out with.

Will it ever end?
When will it end?

The answer to that question lies within.

When you have had enough.

There’s a fantastic book titled “Taming Your Gremlin” by Rick Carson. There’s an accompanying website, as you might have guessed:

This is a very brief excerpt from the book:

‘You already have some sense of your gremlin, though perhaps you never focused your awareness on him or labeled him. Your gremlin is the narrator in your head. He has influenced you since you came into this world, and he accompanies you throughout your entire existence.’

That knowledge is priceless!

People walk around day in and day out listening to their gremlin influence and guide their waking and sleeping states. And this gremlin voice isn’t exactly lighthearted.

The gremlin’s job is to keep you down, preventing you from living a life of enjoyment and fulfillment.

Effing exhausting if you ask me.

So, what’s the answer?

Simply noticing, according to Rick Carson. That is, paying attention, like when you’re watching a good movie. Of course, simply noticing requires effort on your part.

Of course there’s more to this paying attention, and the payoff is miraculously life affirming.

That’s some serious shit, Jeb!

We can help you discover your gremlins.

As Gestaltists, Ashara and I are most aware of our respective gremlins and notice them as part of our human antics. We’ve also learned how to tame our gremlins so they don’t rule our lives.

Want to know more and learn how to tame your gremlins?
Contact us!

Better yet, we love to give stuff away.

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In Gratitude



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