Oh, That’s Just Glenn Doing His Glenn Thing

Recent posts have shed light on mediation and mindfulness, two practices that help me each and every day. Without those practices in my life I’d be a quivering mass of goo.

Like a cylinder of red jello the size of the Empire State Building attempting to hold still during a 7.6 magnitude earthquake. Fortunately, earthquakes are rare in the New York metropolitan area, so, you know it’s fairly safe to say the 1,454 foot tall jello being would be okay to stand next to.

This morning I checked email as Ashara and I were getting ready to meditate.
What was I thinking?

One of the emails that caught my attention was from Badlands Ranch, a company that sells food and treats for dogs.
Not just any dog food mind you.
Just ask Katherine Heigl.
She’s the founder.

Anyway, our recent order arrived on Tuesday which was confirmed by email. The delivery address listed our street address which is strange because we use a post office box for snail mail and deliveries. Previous deliveries went to the post office.

What the heck?

Nonetheless, I walked out to the gate at 6:45 this morning and noticed nothing was left for us. Only the grass and some birds greeted me…lovely. Checked UPS tracking data online and that showed the packages were delivered to the post office on Tuesday.

What the ACTUAL HECK???

My mind couldn’t resolve this quandary.
“How did the packages get to the post office when the delivery address was our street address?????”
Round, and round, and round again did my mind go.

And, this my friends began the day.

So, the theme for meditation today was: Breathing Room.
How subtly perfect.

The main instruction was to sit and be.
Just Sitting and Being.

As thoughts or objections naturally arose in the mind, the idea was to relate to them and myself in the third person: ‘Oh, that’s just Glenn doing his Glenn thing’.  

We were sitting and being and breathing.
Anything that came up, well, ‘that’s just so and so doing his or her thing, or being distracted, or fill in the blank’.

That simple yet profound exercise helped me quiet the delivery questions that wanted to snatch my attention.
Actually, by the end of the meditation session I was chuckling at myself and the circular thoughts.

Reminded me of the Buddhist perspective:
Everything known - nothing to understand.
Everything clear - nothing to explain.
Everything in its place - nothing to do.

More breathing room.

Happy Independence Day, friends!
Where we all have the freedom to sit.
And, be.
And, breathe.




Glenn is certified as a Master Gestaltist, as well as a Meditation/Mindfulness Practitioner and Teacher, and is certified as an Art Therapy practitioner. He is a life seeker.


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