Leaf Peeping and Mandalas

Hello from Colorful Colorado.

It's really a thing! Google 'welcome to colorful Colorado sign pictures' and you'll see lots of pictures of signs along the highways and byways at the borders of Colorado. I added one below as an example.

What's all the hubbub, Jed?

Well, this time of year many flat landers, a dubious term for people who don't live in the Rocky Mountains, us included, spend every weekend driving up to the mountains to see the aspen change color from green to shades of red, orange, and gold. From late September to late October the colors are CRAZY BEAUTIFUL.

Ashara, our three dogs and I went to southwest Colorado last Wednesday. We drove close to eight hours to Cortez where we stayed through Friday. On Thursday we drove northeast to catch the colors between Cortez and Telluride. We were greeted with breath-taking, eye-popping, and soul-satisfying COLORADO in all it's glory. The artist in me embraced the heart throbbing scenery. 

We stopped in the small town of Rico. It was settled in 1879 as a silver mining center in the Pioneer Mining District; today it functions as a historic and tourism site. Reference: Wikipedia

Several images from Rico:

Marvy, yes?

As we drove to Telluride, which was another 45 minutes up the road, I was busy 'catching color' in my mind's eye. You know, imagining I had my iPhone in hand, finger at the ready to press the capture button a zillion times as each scene unfolded around the next corner in the road. We even stopped for 30 minutes 'cuz I HAD TO CREATE MORE IMAGES. That time I took my newish Canon mirrorless 35mm camera, lots of lenses, and tripod out to capture the landscape and close-ups.

Time stood still for me.

Remember my recent post about time perception? Didn't read it? DO IT, NOW.

So, Telluride.

We parked the car.

We walked into town.

We lunched in the shade.

We walked some more.

We tried to find some waterfall trail off of a very, very badly maintained dirt road. Must have been Bob's Road. We found Jud Wiebe trail instead and walked maybe 1000ft up a very steep dirt incline with the sun beating on all of us.

We wimped out.

We got back in the car and went back to the first place we parked in town.

We found another trail.   

We hiked up Bear Creek Falls Trail.

Only a short distance 'cuz we were all getting tired. It was late in the day. Our eldest dog, Niko, looked at us at one point and stopped. He was done.

We drank cold revivers after returning from the "hike".

Several photos from Telluride and Bear Creek Falls Trail:

We returned home Friday afternoon and felt grateful for the trip, the colors, the dogs who were with us even though they had different ideas about the trip from the back of the Subaru, and being home in our own bed.


Quick reminder that I'm hosting a fun, enlightening, and interactive Mandala masterclass this Sunday, Oct 12 @ 9am - 12noon MDT

  • A limited time offer for the first 10 people who pay the insanely low entry price of $47 - BEFORE OCT 11.
  • Click here to join.
  • It will be a bash! A blast!
  • And, quality time together.



Conceived and written by a real human bean.



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