
The post for today is all about contrast and how it shows up in our lives.

A quick online search for the definition of contrast resulted in this:

The state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association: "the day began cold and blustery, in contrast to almost two weeks of uninterrupted sunshine".

The person who wrote that example must have lived in Colorado.
In the spring.
During the month of June.
When spring becomes summer.
Or, when winter bypasses spring and goes right into summer.
During the month of June.

What’s the point of this?

In Colorado the weather changes in a heartbeat.
On a dime.
Or, like Taylor Swift during her Eras Tour (that’s 16 outfit changes).
Google that!

The other point of this post is how contrast can be FUN!

For all you eye rollers out there keep reading…seriously.

Contrast shows up in myriad ways.
For example:

On Thursday, June 6 my friend Peter and I went to see Brit Floyd at Red Rocks Amphitheater. I purchased tickets last year when they became available. This was the second time we saw Brit Floyd at Red Rocks, last time was two years ago.

What famous band’s music does this fabulous British band play?
One guess.
“I’ll take Door #1, Monte”
“That’s right - it’s Pink Floyd!”
You saw right through that shit, right?

Brit Floyd is a Pink Floyd tribute band formed in 2011 in Liverpool, United Kingdom. They are currently on tour throughout the United States. If you love Pink Floyd, you’ll love Brit Floyd!
English rock bands…what can I say?
For me it all started with The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964.
Watch them here:

Next, On Friday, June 7 my mate Ashara and I went to see Sarah McLachlan.

Guess where?
Yup, Red Rocks Amphitheater.
No kidding.

We've been fans since living in the Seattle area 1990-2013. Yes, 23 long, steel gray, wet (with summer sun) years. Contrast!

Two very late nights in a row at Red Rocks. Worth every moment being there both nights!

Sarah McLachlan’s vocal type is Mezzo Soprano. After slowing down to raise her two daughters as a single mother, she recently returned to the stage and studio. She was just 30 hours from beginning her first full-band tour in a decade, and she could not sing.

OYE! You can read about that here: Sarah McLachlan is Resurfacing

Her music and songs are heartfelt and her voice sends shivers through me.
Yeah, restating that I’m a fan!

The contrast:

June 6
Brit Floyd - British Rock - LOUD with lots of visual effects and multi-lasers piercing the night sky. Did I mention LOUD?
The weather was splendid for the concert. Clear blue sky gave way to a starry night with a warm breeze and temperature hovering at 80F.

June 7
Sarah McLachlan - Canadian singer/songwriter - Mezzo Soprano melodic and lilting (almost 3 octave range). Stage lighting matched her mello-ish style. Volume was perfect for the night. >>> NOT LOUD <<<
The weather wished it was June 6. Well, we wished the weather was like June 6.

What we got just before Sarah’s performance was WIND and MORE WIND that came up so suddenly we knew what was coming next. Rain and lots of it. The strong gusts motivated the stage crew into action as they removed vertical panels that were hung from overhead framework because they were SWINGING in the WIND. No one wanted the performing artists to get hurt. The overhead swag lights were swinging in the WIND!

People were rushing to buy flimsy plastic ponchos, probably for a lot more money than they were worth. But, they were ready!

The RAIN which threatened to drench us was a no show. After a few sprinkles nothing more developed, and thankfully so. This is Colorado and what did we say about the weather changing in a heartbeat, on a dime, like Taylor Swift...

Off went the flimsy plastic ponchos.

Ok, so after about an hour delay, Sarah and her band came onstage and the show began. The WIND stopped blowing by this time and we settled in for a fabulous show.

Sarah performed a number of her hits and then launched into the heart of the tour: the 30th Anniversary of Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. She sang  every song from that album.
Ok, CD.
Ok, stream…whatever.
We’re well past 8-track tapes and cassettes, man!

Perfection is the word that came to mind throughout her performance.
I told ya’ I’m a fan!

The show ended close to midnight when we left totally and heartfeltedly satisfied.
Satisfied? More like:
Yes, that was the feeling.

Life Contrast
Moment-to-moment life is tenuous and situations can change FAST.
Ever notice that in your life?
Or, maybe you know someone who got some really seriously BAD NEWS that changed everything in an instant. Like a life threatening health report. Ughhh.

A few weeks ago I wrote about our cancer support group for men that we intend to begin this year.
You think getting news about cancer would change lives in a heartbeat?

That’s Life Contrast!
One moment life is like cruising in the fast lane with clear sky and a clear road ahead.
Next moment…BLAMMO.
Shit happens all the time, man.

And, to really good people, friends and family.

This is a quote that emphasizes Life Contrast:

“Most of us experience a life full of wonderful moments and difficult moments. But for many of us, even when we are most joyful, there is fear behind our joy.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

The Contrast:
Joy and Fear
Fear and Joy
Light and Dark
Yin and Yang

What is your reaction when you experience contrast in your life?
Do you remember to take a moment and breathe?
And, breathe again.
And, breathe again until you can be in the moment to find some semblance of peace.

We ride the roller coaster of life each and every day. There are days when I want to metaphorically jump off the first car as it reaches the pinnacle of the incline.
When screaming feels like the only release.

There are alternatives though and we can help.

Our mission is simple: to help people like you discover a path to a brighter and heartfelt future where you are living your full potential.

At Harmony's Heart Coaching, home of The Enlightened Squirrel Healing Arts Center we open our sessions with meditation practice to help people be in touch with what’s going on inside them. This leads to an awareness of one’s emotions and state of mind. Very revealing and opens up the potential for even deeper self-awareness!

We are offering a free meditation practice guide to help you through Life Contrast. Click 'Yes, Send Me The Meditation Guide' and a new tab will open in your browser.

Thanks for reading. Please share with people you know and love.


Glenn is certified as a Master Gestaltist, as well as a Meditation/Mindfulness Practitioner and Teacher, and is certified as an Art Therapy practitioner. He is a life seeker.
A bit of information about Red Rocks Amphitheater:
In addition to several other large sandstone formations nearby, the venue is best recognized by its two massive monoliths, named "Ship Rock" and "Creation Rock", as well as the smaller "Stage Rock", which together flank its 9,525 capacity seating area and naturally form the amphitheater.

It’s a bucket list for many.
Find a show and GO!
Life’s too full of contrast to miss out.


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